Emizon 21 is suitable to protect all customer risks – if your customers have a broadband internet connection and Vodafone mobile phone reception.
Emizon 21 is now available with full SIA capability and upload/download (UDL) for Galaxy G3 and Texecom Premier panels, supporting direct connectivity to these products. You can now conduct routine panel programming and maintenance remotely via broadband.
Emizon 21 is the advanced signalling service that combines enhanced premises protection with lower insurance premiums. Emizon 21 eliminates the conventional telephone line between your alarm system and monitoring centre, often regarded as a ‘weak link’ in any security system.
Emizon 21 ensures higher protection by providing two-levels of communications. The first leverages your existing broadband internet connection; the second uses Vodafone’s latest wireless technology. This powerful combination makes Emizon 21 the secure and cost effective signalling solution for any building.
Using a unique set of secure encryption and protocols Emizon 21 constantly monitors both your broadband and Vodafone’s GPRS network, so there is always a backup route to send an alarm. If your broadband connection fails either through malicious or accidental damage, then Emizon 21 will inform the response centre within seconds, and send any further alarms over the wireless GPRS path. It is this ability to manage the messages over both paths that ensure that the alarm always gets through.