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NCP 104

Closed circuit television, in its simplest form, is a means of providing images from a television camera for viewing on a monitor via a private transmission system.  There is no theoretical limit to the number of cameras and monitors that may be used in a CCTV installation but in practice, this will be limited by the efficient combination of control and display equipment with the operator’s ability to manage the system. The successful operation of a CCTV system requires the active co-operation of the users in carrying out the recommended procedures.

  • Note 1: In conjunction with the application of BS EN 50132-7: 1996, this code of practice aims to assist specifiers, installers, users, insurance companies and police in selecting the level of CCTV equipment best suited to a particular application and to provide minimum requirements for the design, installation and maintenance of CCTV systems.
  • Note 2: This code of practice is regarded as a provisional pending publication of all parts of European Standard EN 50132.
  • Note 3: Attention is drawn to British Standard Code of Practice BS8418 for remote monitored, detector activated CCTV systems.


This code of practice, together with BS EN 50132-7:1996, specifies requirements for the design, installation and maintenance of CCTV systems.

NSI NACOSS Gold and Silver Systems approved companies shall comply with:

  • This code of practice (NCP 104) and BS EN 50132-7:1996, or
  • BS8418 and BS EN 50132-7:1996.

This code of practice does not recommend the extent or degree of the protection in the security application, nor does it necessarily cover all the requirements for any other surveillance applications.

For ease of cross-referencing, this code of practice is structured along the lines of BS EN 50132-7:1996. Refer to BS EN 50132-7 for details of further requirements.